We sincerely apologize, but our magazines are only available in PDF format via the web, iOS devices, and Android devices, and we do not print or mail physical copies.
The digital version has always been popular with the majority of readers who are able to carry the magazine and all its back issues with them wherever they go.
For more information on how you can maximize your use of your magazine copies, please visit: http://www.autismparentingmagazine.com/where-is-the-printed-version/
If you have already subscribed to the magazine, you'll have access to our Member's Dashboard page where you can log in and access your current and past issues. From there, you can read it just like paper copies and zoom in and out for easier reading.
We really understand that not everyone likes to read magazines on digital devices so one thing we would recommend would be for you to have the PDF version, download it to your device, and print it off for offline reading.
Thanks for understanding!