Autism Parenting
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Frequently Asked Questions
Advertising and Partnerships
Can I add a link to your magazine on my website?
How can I become a sponsor for the Autism Parenting Summit?
How can I advertise in Autism Parenting Magazine?
Billing And Subscription Management
How do I get my receipt or invoice for my Magazine subscription?
How can I change the card that gets billed monthly?
How do I gift a subscription?
How do I get a refund? iOS / Android
How can I tell if I have an active subscription? - iOS/Android
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Autism Support & Community
Do you provide free copies of your magazine for autism organizations or conferences?
Affiliate Partnership Request
How do I get a physical or hard copy of the magazine?
How can I print the magazine from iOS or Android versions?
How do I subscribe on Kindle?
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Writing Submissions
How can I submit an article or idea to Autism Parenting Magazine?
Technical Issues
How to reinstall the Android App
I cannot find the app on my iphone or ipad
How do I manage push notifications/reminders on my iPhone/iPad or Android device?
How can I access my purchased back issue bundles on my device? iOS/Android subscription
My Magazine has not arrived in the post
Do you have an ISSN number?
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